At the early age of 12, Liz Jane Mandell picked up her first guitar and began taking classes from Jim Bachety. From there, she discovered she could put her beautiful voice together with her gifted guitar skills to create a sensational blend of jazz and acoustic folk and harmonies. Her music is what most local Port Royalians know Liz for, and rightfully so. She's performing all across the country and working on her second album as we speak.
But it's hard to know Liz and not also feel like you're experiencing the very essence of the Lowcountry. She embodies the warmth of the area, the laid-back spirit, and the depth of soul. She carries a deeply rooted sense of self, while also a bubbly energy that captivates you. Then, you hear her sing.
Originally from Atlanta, her parents moved her here at the age of four. They wanted her and her siblings to grow up with their fellow Beaufort cousins, plus her grandparents were just around the corner in Charleston.
Liz recalls the best of times growing up in Port Royal, with time spent down at the Sands Beach, playing in the rivers and marshes, and always being outside. These long enchanting summers surely lay in the heart of who Liz is. Much like the calm breeze and rhythm of the salty marsh, the easeful and reassuring energy unfold in her soothing voice.
Growing up in Port Royal meant elementary school on Paris and Beaufort Middle and High School for Liz. On Fridays, she'd look forward to getting together with her cousins to visit the local coffee shop. This beautiful, small coastal town helped shape Liz, filling her with memories that many American kids can only dream of. She recalls being a part of the Oyster Restoration Club and helping build reefs for the oysters down at the Sands, she has seen the clearing of the end of 9th and the Bluff, and the building of the Spanish Moss Trail.
Port Royal's environment is a huge part of what makes this area so special, and Liz feels fortunate to see that people have access to it here. Having spent months camping across the country on two stints in 2020 and 2021, Liz still loves home.
Liz feels, "Port Royal is just beautiful, there's nothing like being somewhere where water is everywhere."
To hear Liz describe her little beautiful coastal town of Port Royal, she can only seem to capture that it has a unique vibe, unlike anywhere else. It's hard to really say what Port Royal is, perhaps better understood as what it is not. It's not Charleston (where she spent 4 years in school), it's not gated or pretentious, it's not cookie-cutter. But, this laid-back town holds a special place in this rising star's heart. Memories from the many festivals on Paris Ave, where the streets are shut down and the whole town comes out to celebrate and dance give Liz a special identity that she carries with her wherever she goes.
Liz hopes to see Port Royal remain accessible for anyone. Whereas most American coastal towns are reserved for the wealthy, part of what makes Port Royal so unique and and special, and perhaps what gives it its "coolness", is that it's still a place people can afford to live. Seeing the economy diversify and give other young people the opportunity to work here other than remotely would be beneficial. Other than a few professions such as healthcare, military, education, or hospitality, there are not a lot of ways for a young person to build and invest in Port Royal. But for her, it'll always be home, even if she has to work outside of Port Royal to follow her dreams.
A few Port Royal Facts about Liz Jane:
Favorite place to eat? Agave and the Smokehouse
Favorite spot? The Trail and the Sands (of course)
Favorite color? Green
Favorite Port Royal Festival? Beaufort Charities Oyster Roast in Live Oaks Park
(Other than being a crazy amazing artist) What is your day job? Economic Analyst for a company out of Orlando, Florida
We hope you've enjoyed getting to know a bit more about your Port Royal neighbor. Liz Jane is a magical example of what salty air and childhoods spent in pluff mud can do for the soul. As her next step in life is to take her music to Nashville, it's nice to know that her southern hospitality, gentle smile, and warm spirit are all the marketing that Port Royal would ever need.
Be sure to follow her on social media and keep an eye out for her newest album set to be released this year!
Want to know more about Liz? Never heard Liz sing? Check her out online:
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